Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Too much to tell I suppose but I forgot to add that I went to another rugby game two weekends ago with the girl who worked at the backpackers I stayed at in Pietermaritzburg. It was the Durban Sharks versus the Auckland Blues or something like that from New Zealand. The sharks won that was fun.

Anywho all of last week I spent working on my ISP write up which ended up to be 38 pages and my presentation. Friday we gave the presentation and turned in our written reports. It went pretty well. This past weekend was fun. All the girls went out on Friday night in celebration of the end of our academic semester. Saturday night we all chilled. Sunday Julia and I took Emma to the hospital..she has bronchitis….TB was in our minds when we went in. Anywho shes getting better. Sunday night we did karaoke again.

Monday we left Durban to go to St. Lucia were we have been for the past two days. Monday we drove there and went on a boat safari on the river where we saw hippos and crocodiles and such. Then yesterday, Tuesday, we went on a safari safari. It was so awesome!!!!!! We left at 5am and returned like 4pm. Our guides were awesome. They were mainly really cool cause they were Afrikaans but they spoke Zulu as well…long story about how I feel about that but its pretty awesome! We saw wildebeests, warthogs, elephants, giraffes, zebras, impalas, a cheetah, monkeys – baboons, rhinos, I’m sure I’m forgetting something but ya. It was awesome. And we went around and around chasing seven lions that were sighted but we never did get to see hiss. Oh well. Anyway I have a billion pictures.

Now I am back in Johannesburg at the Shoestrings backpackers where we started out. It’s so surreal. We’re all like did we just really complete a semester. It was so fast and sooo different. Like we’ve been on a really awesome adventure for four months and oh by the way learned some really cool things.

Anyway my adventure isn’t over. Tomorrow I fly out of Johannesburg to Port Elizabeth with four other girls and we are renting a car there and making our way to Cape Town stopping to bungee jump on the tallest one in the world, ostrich ride, and wine tour. In Cape Town we are probably going to Robben Island, Cape of Good Hope, and visit the penguins at the beach, oh and Table Mountain. Then I fly out on the 13th home on the 14th. This could potentially be the last blog post while I’m in South Africa. Next one may be when I get home..maybe.